
New members can skip to the next section.


重要提示: Please use appropriate upper and lower case throughout the entire application.




*DISCLAIMER: As a Diamond Community Partner $2,500 of your payment will be considered a political contribution. REALTORS® Political Action Committee Contributions are split accordingly: 30% will be allocated to the NAR Political Advocacy Fund, 35% to the Georgia Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee, and 35% to the Atlanta REALTORS® Political Action Committee. For more information about RPAC, visit pakhobby.com/rpac.

*DISCLAIMER: As a Platinum Community Partner $1,000 of your payment will be considered a political contribution. REALTORS® Political Action Committee Contributions are split accordingly: 30% will be allocated to the NAR Political Advocacy Fund, 35% to the Georgia Association of REALTORS® Political Action Committee, and 35% to the Atlanta REALTORS® Political Action Committee. For more information about RPAC, visit pakhobby.com/rpac.


Sponsorship recognition applies to a calendar year. Benefits provided will be from January 1 - December 31st.
Make check payable to the: 立博体育赛事房地产经纪人协会
Submit payment to the Association office at: 5784 Lake Forrest Drive, Atlanta, GA 30328

重要的下一步...Don't Forget to Claim your Affiliate Membership(s)!

翡翠, Silver, Gold, and Diamond Partnership include complimentary Affiliate membership! 翡翠 & 白银提供一个(1), 黄金提供2 (2), Platinum and Diamond includes four (4) Affiliate memberships. If you or someone else from your company would like to claim a complimentary membership, please submit a separate online membership application form. You'll find our Affiliate membership application online at pakhobby.com/membership/join. 在付款部分, there will be an option to select a complimentary membership for your payment type.